2008 Hudson Valley National Adult Baseball Association (N.A.B.A.)

Aiden was born February 9, 2006 and the first person I called after my immediate family, was my teammate and closest friend Mark Milroy. I told him to get his son Tyler ready because we were soon to have the next up and coming prospects. I also told him we were going to have to stay healthy because we were now going to have to play well into our 50s if we were going to step on the fields and play in a game with our sons. I thought that this feat if it comes to pass would be the highlight of my career. Little did i now that my son has surpassed my expectations and in his two short years given me so many great moments. As an avid baseball fan I could only hope that my son shared in my passion for america's pastime and that was quickly realized when his first big word was "baseball" which he said to me after returning from The Cooperstown Tournament in 2007. As he's now two he loves to go outside and take his bat and hit any kind of ball that I'll throw at him. He's a natural and can throw really good and can hit off a tee. In 2008 he came to my Opening Day Game and cheered for his Dad ("Go Daddy") and I drove in the winning run going 2-4. i don't now what the future holds for my sons baseball career all i now is whether he is a good ball player or not, plays in high school or college, or is lucky enough to take his career to a higher level, I hope that we both can share in the passion and love for this game and continue to add to our many personal memories of this great game.

til Aiden And Justin Step On The Field Together

19 MARK MILROY (Manager/OF/1B)
Ever since December 13, 2004 I have dreamed of playing baseball with my son Tyler. Tyler now three is a avid baseball fan he loves to play baseball anytime he can, whether it be inside or out, all I hear is daddy pitch to me. That is every fathers dream to have a child that has the same passion as his father for baseball, and Tyler surely has it. He tells me all the time daddy I'm going to play for the Yankees and with the swing he has I wouldn't doubt it. That would be a wonderful thing my son T.J. Milroy playing for the Yankees. The T.J. nickname was well thought out, Tyler Joseph being his given name but shortened it is a true baseball players name T.J. Milroy. Sure my son playing for the Yankees would be one of the greatest moments of my life, but all I am looking forward to is the day that Tyler and I can lace up our cleats together in the Dugout and take the field together. Father and son on the same team. it's far from reality now being that he is three and I have 15 more years to wait. But its entirely worth the wait.

til Tyler And Mark Step On The Field Together

Future Growler Aiden Contursi (In BP/Visitors Uniform).
Future Growlers (Tyler Milroy & Aiden Contursi) Taking In A Game And Scouting Out The Talent.
Future Growlers Aiden Conturs Taking Some BP Getting Ready For The Call Up.
All I Want To Do Is Go To The Baseball Field And Play With My New Glove Daddy.
Future Growlers Get there own uniforms, thank to Me Home Future Growler Black and Property Of Yellow.
Future Growler Tyler Supporting His Dad In The NABA Cooperstown Hall Of Fame Tournament.
Future Growler Aiden Contursi Going To The Baseball Field With His New Baseball BackPack.
Aiden Getting Some Bullpen Work In As He's Working On His Windup.
Getting Some Practice In At The Baseball Field And Some Work On The Pitching Mound.
Taking Some BP, Spring Training In February. As He's Readying Himself For The Call Up.
Aiden Taking Some BP In His Throwback Growler Uniform.

February 12, 2008
Hit Off His Tee For The First Time.
June 19, 2008
Caught Hard Ball With Your Glove for 1st Time.
July 11, 2008
First Hit From A Pitched Ball At The Baseball Field.

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