It began with a way to stay fit while I was in between the fall basketball season and spring baseball season. In 1991, it would be my first year to be on both varsity teams. I was pretty sure I would make the baseball team, but wasn't sure I was talented enough to be on the basketball team. So, I figured if I got in the best shape I could, it might give me the edge to get on the basketball team. I don't know how I got started or if someone suggested it to me, but there I was on the J.V. Team. I thinking what appealed to me was running outside, but after a couple of meets and having interaction with the team and coach I was hooked. What I realized is that on all other sports I had ever participated in you had to always be team first and the individual second. Yet, with running the sports is individually based the only person your really competing against is you. I know there is other runners and there is some of that competitiveness, but for the most part you have to convince yourself that you can go the last mile or pass that competitor. It is this that drew me to the sport and I still continue to run to this day. For whatever reason whether it is for exercise or just to clear my head there is something hypnotic and exhilarating to finish whether first or last, isn't as important as just finishing.

Date Event Distance (miles) Time Place Overall Place On Team
9.11.90 Developmental (Mills Mansion) 3.2 0:21:00 24th of 80 5th
9.15.90 Suffern Invitational (Bear Mt.) 3.2 0:19:11 78th of 98 4th
9.18.90 John Jay / Clarkstown South (Mills Mansion) 3.2 0:19:04 17th of 30 5th
9.22.90 Sterling Invitational (JFK) 3.2 0:21:07 42nd 6th
9.25.90 Carmel / Arlington (Carmel) 2.8 0:16:50 16th 3rd
9.29.90 Grout Run (Schenectady) 2.8 0:16:04 52nd 4th
10.02.90 Mahopac(Mahopac) 3.2 0:17:35 9th 5th
10.09.90 RCK / Lakeland (Mills / Bowdin) 3.2 0:18:44 6th 4th
10.13.90 Cobleskill Invitational (Cobleskill) 3.2 0:17:53 28th 6th
10.20.90 WRDTFCA Invitational (Bowdin) 3.2 0:19:35 112th 4th
10.27.90 League Championships (Mills) 3.2 0:18:47 28th 4th
11.03.90 Sectionals J.V. (Bowdin) 3.2 0:19:58 69th 6th
Date Event Distance (miles) Time Place Overall Place On Team
9.24.91 Arlington / Carmel / Ramapo / Clarkstown South (Bowdin) 3.2 0:20:36 26th NA
9.25.91 Cobleskill Invitational (Cobleskill) 3.2 0:18:23 36th NA
10.1.91 Mahopac / Carmel (Mills) 3.2 0:19:49 8th NA
10.04.91 Brewster Invitational (Brewster) 3.2 0:18:23 25th NA
10.08.91 RCK / Lakeland (Mills / Bowdin) 3.2 0:20:03 3rd NA
10.15.91 John Jay / Clarkstown South 3.2 0:19:13 15th NA
10.19.91 WRDTFCA Invitational (Bowdin) 3.2 0:19:52 94th NA
10.26.91 League Championships (Mills) 3.2 0:18:54 21st NA
11.02.91 Sectionals Varsity (Bowdin) 3.2 0:19:39 66th NA

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